Another amazing Mitch Rapp adventure, nightmare, thriller. Much like Lee Child (Jack Reacher), Michael Connelly (Harry Bosch), Julia Quinn (Bridgerton), and countless other authors, there is for sure a recipe for Mitch Rapp that is tried and true. It's definitely not broken and definitely doesn't need any fixing.
I started this book on May 26 and finished it on May 28. These Mitch Rapp books are next to impossible for me to put down. I spent a little extra time at the pedicure place "letting my toes dry" while I read more pages. When I got home, I read while I was eating lunch. And I spent some leisure time in the afternoon while The Husband went to Costco laying down reading. I just couldn't stop. Needed to find out what happened.
This is yet another book that could actually be based in reality. Hell, maybe it IS based in some semblance of reality. That is one of the things I like about this series. They don't seem too far fetched. It isn't too much of a stretch of the imagination that these events and interactions could be real. And with this long-running series, I've really gotten to know the characters. They seem real.
So, this book covers what happens between a new US president, the world's first trillionaire, a brilliant scientist, an African war-lord, "The Saudis", the head of the CIA, and Mitch Rapp, among others. The gist, without giving too much away, is that the trillionaire is funding pharmaceutical research being done by the brilliant scientist to create a cure/vaccine for every corona virus, SARS, and the common cold. This scientist is close. Then an African war-lord busts into the scene in Uganda and all hell breaks loose. The trillionaire wants help and asks the US president. By some twist of fate, Mitch Rapp gets involved, and according to the recipe, all hell breaks out. The shit hits the fan. Spy stuff, spy stuff, spy stuff. And poof, the book is over.
It was gripping, thrilling, intriguing. I like that Mitch is getting older - he's not the same 30-something from the earlier books. He's not stuck in a single point of time. These books follow him through his life. As he gets older, he gets more... crotchety (I'm not sure this is the right word). Rather than running toward everything, he's maybe learning to stay out of everything. But let's be real here. This is Mitch Rapp. Has he ever stayed away?
Another thrilling and exciting book! An enthusiastic two thumbs up from me.