Friday, January 27, 2023

To Sir Phillip, With Love: Bridgerton (Bridgertons, 5) by Julia Quinn


Kindle Edition

Welcome to Eloise Bridgerton's story! I started the Kindle book on January 24 and finished it on January 27. A super quick read.

After watching the 2 seasons of Bridgerton that are available on Netflix and seeing how the show portrays Eloise as interested in a printer, I was very curious to see how this book would unfold. Was her interested in the printer true to the book or was it a liberty that the show creators took?

Well...... If you don't want a spoiler on that question - stop reading now.

If you don't mind... keep reading.

So, the short answer is... the printer is a creative liberty. Interestingly, how Eloise comes to be with the person she ends up with does align with some aspects of characters in the Netflix series but in a slightly different way. Eloise is a snarky person in the series and in the book. She sort of does what she wants, consequences are inconsequential. I like that about her. She just goes for it if it fancies her.

I did like this story and how Eloise took control of her future. A good and satisfying (and quick) read in the Bridgerton saga.

 Post written on May 7. Publication date reflects date I finished the book.

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